At Otley Road Dental our aim is to provide quality dental treatments in a caring, friendly environment. Our experienced team of dental professionals takes a preventative approach designed to help patients, young and old, maintain good long term oral health to reduce the need for treatment. We teach our clients that maintaining good habits day to day is the best way to guard against tooth decay, premature wear and gum disease.

With routine dental examinations we can help you preserve and protect your smile by detecting dental problems before they worsen. Prevention is better than a cure as this will help you avoid the traditional, and often costly, pattern of tooth decay, fillings and tooth loss.

As a new patient, your initial dental examination will last approximately 30 minutes and provides ample time for our experienced and highly professional dentist to give you a thorough dental check-up.

Whether you are looking to achieve a brighter, healthier or more attractive looking smile or to replace damaged or missing teeth with a long-lasting, natural looking alternative, then we are here to help.

Ask us about any of the below concerns you may have with your smile:

Stained/ discoloured teeth Missing teeth Uneven teeth/ gaps Unsightly fillings and chipped teeth Dis-coloured crowns or bridges Cracked/ transparent teeth Crossed over/ crooked teeth.

A choice of treatments to suit your budget and individual requirements.

Combining a clean and polish with oral hygiene advice and a gum health check. It’s the regular treatment to help maintain sweet breath and a dazzling smile.

Ultrasonic Cleaning

Commonly used first is an ultrasonic instrument which uses tickling vibrations to knock larger pieces of tartar loose. It also sprays a cooling mist of water while it works to wash away debris and keep the area at a proper temperature. The device typically emits a humming or high pitched whistling sound. This may seem louder than it actually is because the sound may get amplified inside your head, just like when you put an electric toothbrush into your mouth.


Once all the surfaces are smooth, the dental worker may polish your teeth. Polishing is done using a slow speed handpiece with a soft rubber cup that spins on the end. Prophylaxis (short for prophy) paste – a special gritty toothpaste-like material – is scooped up like ice cream into the cup and spun around on the teeth to make them shiny smooth.

White or tooth coloured fillings provide a healthier more natural alternative to traditional amalgam fillings.

What are the benefits of white fillings?

The main benefit of white fillings is that, as your dentist, we have a large choice of tooth-coloured shades to choose from. Selecting the shade that is closest to your own teeth in colour, we can design your white filling to match your own teeth in shape and colour resulting in it being practically invisible to the eye!

White fillings also require a less invasive restoration when filling the hole left by decay in your tooth. This means that less of your healthy tooth tissue would need to be removed with a white filling.

When would I require white fillings?

For teeth that are either cracked or chipped, tooth-coloured fillings may be used to build up the tooth to restore it’s look and feel. Closing gaps, reshaping uneven or short teeth and filling cavities caused by tooth decay may also be treated.

How much do white fillings cost?

The cost of a white filling starts from £99 however the cost of treatment is dependent on the size of the filling required to restore or repair your tooth. Your dentist will be able to provide you with a cost for this during your dental examination and before any treatment begins. We will always discuss your options before beginning treatment so to ensure we provide you with the right treatment that suits your budget and individual requirements.

A crown is a protective cover fitted over the existing structure of a broken or damaged tooth to restore function and appearance. With no black line at gum level and made to match your natural teeth in their size, shape and colour, an all-ceramic crown provides a very natural looking restoration and smile.

Bridges are a series of crowns joined together to cover or close a space left by the loss of a tooth. Restore the strength and shape of your tooth with a Dental Crown

Sometimes known as a ‘cap’ a dental crown is an artificial restoration that fits over the remaining part of a prepared tooth that has been broken, damaged or decayed to a point where a filling is not suitable. The crown may be closely matched to the surrounding teeth in shape, colour and size and once fitted provide a seamless and permanent restoration to your tooth.

Why would my Dentist recommend a Crown?

If your tooth has become broken, decayed or damaged in such a way that a filling is not strong enough to support the tooth or if you are looking to cover an existing amalgam filling, then a Crown may be recommended by your dentist as the best treatment.

Crowns can last a lifetime and are an ideal treatment for the following:

To restore badly broken teeth To restore teeth that have been heavily filled To reshape an uneven or unsightly tooth To restore the brightness to discoloured teeth To protect a root treated tooth To hold a bridge or denture in place

How will my Dentist fit my new Crown?

Your tooth will be prepared by your dentist by removing the outer surface of the tooth to the required shape for the Crown. Once the tooth has been prepared, your Dentist will take an impression of the prepared tooth, together with one from the opposite jaw, to record the bite. The impressions are then sent to our expert, dental technicians in our dental laboratory where your new crown is handcrafted and tailored to you. A temporary Crown is fitted until your returning visit, where your new, permanent Crown will be fitted and cemented in place.

Several missing teeth and in need of a Bridge?

Used to replace missing teeth, a Dental Bridge is made up of Crowns fitted to the teeth either side of a gap in the mouth. To prevent the need for a denture or dental implants, a Dental Bridge is used to restore the look and feel of a complete smile.

When are Dental Bridges needed?

Dental Bridges are strongly advised when you have a missing tooth as a gap in your smile can affect:

A person’s bite. This comes as a result of the teeth leaning into the empty spaces and altering the way in which the lower and upper teeth bite together

A person’s general appearance, oral health and smile The way in which a person speaks Confidence when smiling (especially for photographs) The actual shape of the face The probability of developing gum disease or tooth decay as a result of the accumulated food in the gap

What are the different types of Bridges available?

Dental bridges come in three differing types: 1. Traditional fixed bridge – made of two porcelain crowns with a pontic (the tooth being replace) in the middle. As the name suggests, these dental bridges are fixed in and can’t be taken out. The pontic is mostly made from porcelain fused to either metal or ceramics. 2. A Maryland bridge or resin bonded bridge – both of these bridges are only appropriate when the teeth either side of the gap are healthy and strong or if the gap from a missing front tooth. The pontic is created by fusing plastic with metal bands bonded to neighbouring teeth with resin. As always, the fused bands are hidden from the view of others. 3. Cantilever bridges – these kinds of bridges are really made for areas of lower stress such as the lower front teeth. Cantilever bridges are needed when there is only one tooth present on a side of an empty gap, the pontic is anchored to only one (but sometimes more) adjacent teeth on one side.

What are the advantages of Dental Bridges?

Generally, you only require two appointments to fit a bridge.

If you make sure to keep good dental hygiene then they can last for 10-15 years.

Through having missing teeth, your speech, bite, appearance and overall confidence can be affected. A Dental Bridge is a solution to these and other concerns with your smile.

Veneers are very thin shells of porcelain which are made to fit over the visible surface of your tooth. Providing the ideal way of treating discoloured severely discoloured, chipped, cracked or unsightly teeth, Veneers are recognised for being a long lasting and natural looking way of dramatically improving the appearance of your smile.

Have the ultimate Smile Makeover with Dental Veneers

Made from porcelain, Dental Veneers are hand-crafted, thin shells that fit on the front of your teeth to provide you with a complete new smile (or a ‘smile makeover’). Porcelain veneers are a popular treatment option amongst celebrities as they offer a quick and easy way to change the shape and look of a smile as well as to close gaps, re-align crowded or protruding teeth and whiten teeth that have become severely discoloured.

What are the advantages in having Dental Veneers?

Where teeth have been badly stained and cannot be improved by teeth whitening, Dental Veneers work to cover existing stains.

Gaps or spaces in your smile may be easily closed using dental veneers to restore a uniform, even smile. Made from a tooth-coloured material, chipped, cracked or broken teeth may be restored using Dental Veneers to resemble your adjacent teeth and give you a smile to be proud of.

How long do Dental Veneers last?

Porcelain Veneers last between 5-10 years. To make your veneers last longer, maintain your oral health program and ensure you visit your dentist regularly for check-ups.

Why should I choose Otley Road Dental for my Veneers?

Taking the time to understand your concerns as well as your aspirations for your new smile, our highly experienced and expert team will clearly explain how Porcelain Veneers can help improve the appearance of your smile. Working hand in hand with our highly experienced dental technicians in our dental laboratory (who will actually make your Dental Veneers), we pride ourselves on the unbelievably natural-looking results we achieve for our valued patients.

We work along side a fantastic dental laboratory the ensure your denture is made from the best and latest material, making it look and feel great.

Acrylic and cobalt/chrome metal are the two most common sorts of denture. We will spend time with you during the production of your teeth to make it look how you want. As natural or as white as you wish.

Root canal treatment involves the cleaning and disinfection of the root canals within the roots of your teeth.

Many people think this is a painful procedure. This is untrue. At the Otley Road Dental we use the latest local anaesthetics to ensure this treatment is comfortable.

It is routine to provide a crown on a tooth after root canal treatment. This is to ensure long-term strength of the tooth under function.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

This whitening technique involves taking custom made thin transparent guards home with you for use with your whitening gel either overnight or daily. It usually takes up to 2 to 4 weeks to see any noticeable effects of this type of treatment.

Proven to be safe and effective through numerous studies A tried and tested way of removing stains A quick, simple and easy way to achieving immediate results Offers a reliable technique for a clean, bright and natural looking smile to the level of whiteness that can be determined by you Lasts for years with the right maintenance

Am I suitable for Teeth Whitening?

When you come in to see us, we will be able to give you expert advice and explain the various teeth whitening options available to you after performing your dental examination

Denplan Monthly Payment Options

Denplan helps patients budget for their routine dental care and treatment by making regular monthly payments. We offer 3 Denplan Products:

  • Denplan Essentials;
  • Denplan Care;
  • Denplan for Children.

This payment plan provides for your routine preventative dental care and you pay for restorative treatment as you need it. It is easy to set up and no pre-assessment is necessary. Denplan Essentials includes:

  • Dental check-ups
  • Hygiene appointments
  • Dental x-rays
  • Preventative dental advice
  • 20% off any private treatment needed
  • Supplementary insurance arranged by Denplan, which provides you with worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover and access to Denplan’s 24-hour Worldwide Dental Emergency Helpline.
  • Free access to our emergency out of hours service should you suffer a dental emergency such as dental trauma or toothache outside our normal surgery hours.

This payment plan provides for the majority of dental treatment to maintain your dental health. A dental assessment is made so that the price you pay is dependent on the “health” of your mouth. It includes the following treatment, when clinically necessary and where carried out at the practice by your registered dentist:

  • Dental check-ups
  • Hygiene appointments
  • Dental x-rays
  • Preventative dental advice and therapy
  • Fillings & Root Canal Treatment
  • Extractions
  • Periodontal (gum) treatment
  • Crowns, bridges, dentures, inlays (excluding laboratory fees)
  • Supplementary insurance arranged by Denplan, which provides you with worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover and access to Denplan’s 24-hour Worldwide Dental Emergency Helpline.
  • Free access to our emergency out of hours service should you suffer a dental emergency such as dental trauma or toothache outside our normal surgery hours.

Registration with Denplan for Children at Otley Road Dental has a number of benefits. As well as covering the cost of your child’s routine examinations and treatment, your child will also be entitled to:

  • Free access to our emergency out of hours “on-call Dentist” should your child suffer dental trauma or toothache outside normal surgery hours.
  • Supplementary trauma insurance to cover the cost of treatment following a dental injury.
  • Emergency dental treatment when away from your own dentist both in the UK and abroad.

As part of our Denplan payment plans, you can add worldwide dental injury and emergency cover for just 60p per month. So, when you are abroad or more than 40 miles from your registered dental practice, you will have the support you need.